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Never Again

Never Again: A Jewish Meditation on Genocide. 

Never Again is a reflection on what it means to live in a world of never-ceasing genocide. In my Jewish religious school upbringing, the phrase "Never Again" was used to mean that we should never let the Holocaust happen again. The Holocaust killed 6 million Jews and 5 million Russians, Roma, gays, and others. Today, 2 million ethnic Uyghurs in China are being targeted for assimilation and elimination, using the same techniques the Nazis used: ghettoization, concentration camps, forced sterilization, and murder. What does "Never Again" mean in a world where genocide is not only not confronted, but a never-ending, ongoing part of our world? Rather than Never Again, we live in a world of Always Again. This piece asks us to, at least for a moment, not look away. The photos of imprisoned men and women come from leaked documents hosted at The images of Holocaust victims come from Yad Vashem, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Faces of Auschwitz.

We respectfully ask for your silence in the gallery.

If we get in touch with the suffering in the world and are moved by that suffering, we may come forward to help the people who are suffering, and our own suffering may just vanish.

--Thich Nhat Hahn, Being Peace

Earlier Event: January 6
Private Event
Later Event: January 11
Never Again